Right now, I live in a small trailer park. Unlike most people though, I'm incredibly fortunate to have a small yard. Last spring we put in grass because our yard was made of silt and dust, and our dogs did nothing but carry that fine powdery sand into the house. 600 square feet, three dogs, and pounds of sand ground into the carpet and I finally had enough. As non-desert friendly grass is, it was a worthwhile sacrifice. Currently our washing machine drains into the yard and it waters a good portion of our 100 square feet of grass.
The grass needs to be trimmed! |
A few weeks back, I planted sugar pumpkins! Sugar pumpkins are the pumpkins used to make pumpkin pie or pumpkin cookies. In the shadowy corner is my pumpkin patch.
My pumpkin patch is surrounded by chicken wire to keep the dogs from accidentally trampling them. To my surprise, morning glories popped up and grew along my chicken wire.
Volunteer morning glories! |
With the crazy amount of rain we've been getting (almost 4 inches in one day!), my pumpkins have taken off.
The largest leaf is as big as my hand. |
No flowers yet, but hopefully I'll have pumpkins by the time Thanksgiving rolls around!
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